06 August 2008

We all compromise in our life. Sometimes with our emotions, sometimes with our dreams and sometimes with all that mattered to our life! Excruciatingly, it is the trusted, loved and known person with whom we have to compromise. Most of the times money or a relationship is on stake and we believe that it can be earned/saved by compromising at one or two instances. However simultaneously and unanimously, we all get a little smaller in our own eyes. Painfully, most of the times we learn that the 'compromise' did not worth itself. Shame!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..

05 August 2008

It was quite shocking for me to learn that a considerable amount of people have felt that they were unwanted by their parents during childhood! It is the worst memory of their lives and they felt unsecured and hurt. How come their own parents do this to them? Unbelievable, but it's true. Reasons varied a lot, with a girl feeling that her parents were expecting a boy, the most common. Second common being the competitive comparison between kids (intelligence, skin color, money, etc.). Importantly, most of these people are emotionally sensitive and vulnerable to exploitation, and as a matter of fact, they were exploited! Shame!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..

04 August 2008

Sometimes life get jeopardized for matters concerning the near-and-dear ones for unknown reasons and it is difficult to find who's fault it is? And to be fair, I also must have done something wrong, though uncertain of what part have I messed. Nevertheless, all concerned in the matter are in vain and willing to find a way that can resolve things. But, since I do not know what I have done wrong, how do I fix it? And trying too hard to hard to fix it can be even messier. So, do I forget about it and let destiny roll it's own dice? That's too is very risky. Best solution! - apologize for everything? May be it is too early for that! Or shall I curse my fate? Unbelievable and unjustified!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..

03 August 2008

Confusion or misunderstanding in life can make you pay dearly at times.. Recently, after multiple such occurrences, I figured it out that if it is between you and only one other person - its better you sort it out, given that you know what is the confusion about. However, if the confusion involves more than two people, no matter how much truth or fair thing you know, please, please and please, be the last to speak! and you will never regret that. Shame!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..

02 August 2008

We all seek recognition. Every one of us! Consciously or subconsciously - but we do. Within our friend's circle, workplace, whatever we want to achieve in life. But in the process, we always leave or push away the simple and nice things, and at times the ones who love us. Moreover, we also overlook/deny the recognition of deserved ones. Because we are overobsessed with our own 'little' recognition and that what matters to us. Shame!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..

01 August 2008

The feeling of being cared and loved is more important or feeling secured? The house is important or the home? Loyalty is what I seek or faith? Is it my restlessness or am I scared? Do I need it really or just for the sake of it? Shall I pursue success or better content with what I have? Justice is what I am looking for or truth? My belief and ideologies are important or what ten other people think, should be done is? Am I really disobedient or I see things differently? Should I chase my dreams or live my life loving him/her? For most of the above dilemmas, we all have an opinion. But, please read all the dilemma's again. Seriously! please read them again........ Some opinions get changed (happens to me!). So, its all perception and we will never know what is more important? Or is it like - what the hell, neither of it makes any sense nor does it matter to anyone.... Nevertheless, this is also a perception and we will never know what makes sense? Shame!

PS: I ♥ u Juhi..
